Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stranded Ear Flap Hat

My knitting friend made two of these hats while I was in Argentina, and I got jealous. So I had to make one for my friend! (P.S., said friend has a new blog--check it out!) I finished this project in July--boy am I behind at posting!

This was my first stranded knitting project. I bought the yarn in Buenos Aires and knitted it with US 5 needles--they were circulars I bought in Argentina, they were nasty! I used the "Ear Flap Hat" pattern, but I altered the stranded knitting pattern significantly.

I really like the outcome. Since Lindsay reported that they had snow in Wisconsin this week, I definitely know it will be put into good use this winter in cold Madison!

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We don't want your support - Read my friend's blog

This is hysterical. I heard about this problem from a friend in Argentina. Then my friend wrote about this on his blog:

We don't want your support - no queremos tú apoyo


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Argentine Economic Situation

My friend Matt from Buenos Aires sent me this insightful article about the Argentine economic situation. There debacle is different than many other countries, but represent some problems facing many other nations:

Argentine Bonds, Stocks Sink as Takeover Fuels Default Concerns
A NYTimes Article that's very interesting on currency issues across the world. Argentina isn't specifically mentioned, but neighboring Brazil is:

Some Currencies Plunge as Stocks Sink Worldwide