Tuesday, April 22, 2008

PA Primary--Part 1

It is PA primary day and I'm in Argentina.

My friends have impact all the way around the world, I just received this email:

I will be on Danish news tonight! I would tell everyone to watch it, but since you obviously don't get Danish TV, I will try to find it online.

Denmark covers the US primaries very extensively, so the entire country is talking about the PA primaries. The local news organization knows that DIS is the place for American students to be, so they were looking for PA Democrats this afternoon. I told them that I am a registered Democrat in PA, so I was interviewed for the news! They were excited to find someone who can vote in these primaries. I talked about why I am voting for Obama, and how exciting it is for our state to have this world spotlight today. They asked about issues specifically important to PA, and about the issues important for students and those living abroad.

Happy Voting Day for the Pennsylvanians!
This is my dear friend Rebecca interviewing in Denmark! I'm sooooo excited for her.

I'm watching the polls closely. It's going to be a tight race.

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