Churripan with lots of spicey chimi-churri and a side of French Fries. How yummy.
Chorripan is a staple of "street food" in Buenos Aires. I bought this on a trip in June to La Plata at a street restaurant outside of the cathedral.
Chorripan describes the chorizo, or sausage, serged in a baguette roll. The Argentines usually put Chimi-churri, a great spice combination, on the sausage roll, too. Many times they serve it with French Fries, like it was in this photo. You often can order it at street venders or at parilla's (Argentine steak houses).
Many people have this idea that all South America eats spicy food, likely from many countries in Central and Northern South America that do have spicy cuisine. In Argentine, spicy doesn't exist. The porteños especially hate spicy food. My mother yells "¡Lo Pica! ¡Pica! ¡Pica!" any time I use Black pepper to season food. Their sausages aren't any exception. They are seasoned, but definitely not spicy--something that my family's Pennsylvania Dutch non-spicy palate could even handle.