Since I gave a recipe for milanesa earlier this month, I thought I would show you a real finished product.
This was my great lunch today. I bought a milanesa sandwich and I made a salad with watercress and tomato. Conforming to the Argentine style, I've abandoned all salad dressings (quite good for my waistline, too) in exchange for olive oil and balsamic vinegar and a dash of black pepper and salt. I hope you're hungry, because it was quite tasty.When I don't make my own lunch, I often will get a milanesa sandwich at the local panadería called Santa Elena (Lafinur 3245). After repeated visits, everyone there knows me as "The America student" or el estudiante americano. Often panadería which sell lunch are called confiterías here, and this place isn't an exception.
Quite a good lunch...usually the sandwiches are about $A6.50, so it doesn't break the bank. However, I try and cook for myself most lunches and only splurge on occasion. I want to make my pennies count this semester!
MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm......que rico!!!!
Hi,I'm Adriana and I live in Canada for the last 8 years.I realy miss Argentina.
Try the "empanadas" and the differents kind of pizzas.
Sorry for my Inglish......chau,chau.
I have to say, from all the new food I tried in Argentina, milanesa did not particularly drew my attention. I believe it was because after all it is just meat of low quality like the one we have in The States. Steak, on the contrary, along with beef and asado were my favourites. I tried to cook it myself a few times in the buenos aires apartment I was staying in, but since we are not used to it, I could not pull it off as good as in restaurants. I´ll keep practising though!
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